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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

1. Dedicated Study

This is the first stage. It usually happens about two weeks before exams begin. You’ve collected your notes, created flashcards and study guides, and you feel prepared. You make passing your exams a top priority.

2. Procrastination

You’ve spent hours studying and boredom kicks in. Pinterest, Twitter, Netflix, and Instagram are calling your name! A few minutes won’t hurt…

3. Productive Procrastination

Totally different form of procrastination. You’re not quite ready to work but you’re starting to feel guilty about doing nothing. So you clean your room, organize your earrings, color code your notes, and still get nothing done.

4. Panic

You realize that you’ve spent the last six hours doing absolutely nothing to prepare yourself for your upcoming exam. And panic sets in.

5. Feeble Attempt to Pull Yourself Together

You assemble your notes, sit down at your desk, and begin to study. Turns out, you have way more to do than you thought.

6. Full-scale Mental Breakdown

And thus, you enter the full-scale mental breakdown stage of Finals Week. It happens to all of us, so just cry it out!

7. Recuperation

With tears streaming down your face, you start to pull yourself together. You’re a strong, intelligent and innovative person! You’ve got this!

8. Cramming


9. The Morning of the Exam

Resolve has set in. You’ll pass or you’ll fail but at least you gave it your all.

Then a classmate says, “I studied for like four days straight and I have a 98.7 in the class but I’m just so nervous…”

10. The Actual Exam

You look at the paper and the questions are completely foreign. What the-? Did we learn this?

11. Post-Finals Relief

You made it. Life will continue. It’s officially summer break. Unless you have summer classes, that is!

You'll find me in my hammock between classes, drooling over volcano sushi rolls, or cross stitching in silence. I'm a maritime studies student with a dream of working on oceanic documentaries or founding Atlantis, whichever comes first.
Abigail is a Journalism and Political Science major minoring in Spanish. She has a penchant for puns and can't go a morning without listening to NPR's Up First podcast. You can usually find her dedicating time to class work, Her Campus, College to Congress, SGA or hammocking. Her dream job is working as a television broadcast journalist on a major news network. Down time includes TED talk binges, reading and writing. You can follow Abigail on instagram and Twitter @abi_meggs