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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

1. Eat Well

This suggestion is age-old but it works! Skip the guilt of a dozen donuts and grab a salad instead. You’ll dodge the consequent weight gain and reduce the likelihood of break-outs. If you’re like me, you’ll even have a miniature dance party in celebration of your fitness win.

2. Study Breaks

Don’t waste your study breaks on Twitter or Facebook. Make that precious free time count! Take a walk on the Nature Trail, hit the sauna in the Aquatic Center or have a picnic on the Cannon Green. Your mind needs a positive rest from all that studying!

3. Turn Off Your Cell Phone!

Texting while you study seems harmless but it can actually be detrimental. Your brain depends on uninterrupted focus to retain information. You don’t need to check Facebook every twenty minutes but you do need to crush your exams! (Drake will understand)

4. Avoid Negative Nancies

Bad vibes are poisonous! They can infect your attitude and influence your performance on exams. You need to go into that exam knowing that you are intelligent, capable and prepared. Spend time with confident and uplifting people (and make a point to be that way, too).

5. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

Everyone in college loves to compare how many hours of sleep they got last night. The winner is the student with the bloodshot eyes and the rumpled hair. This sleepless trend is unhealthy and potentially dangerous so trade that eighth episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” for another half hour of sleep. You’ll feel rested and confident in the morning!

6. Take Advantage of UWF’s Resources

Having trouble with a final paper? Set up an appointment with the Writing Lab (you can walk-in if you want to brave the lines) or call the Grammar Hotline (850-474-2229) with your questions. Need mathematics tutoring? It’s free for students at the Math and Statistics Lab. The Academic Center for Excellence also offers tutoring in the Great Good Place. Just set up an appointment to get the help you need!

Remember that your professors are available to answer any questions that you have about your exams.

7. Take a Shower

Personal hygiene is so important. We all know that. Except when I’m pressed for time, exhausted, and stressed, the last thing I want to do is get naked and spend valuable time shaving my legs! But showering will open your sinuses, your pores and relax your tensed muscles. It’s a simple way to calm your body (and smell nicer).

8. Hit the Gym

It’s easy to convince yourself that you don’t have the time to work out. Luckily, I have the perfect solution. Study while you exercise! Drag your study buddy to the gym with you. Take your flashcards and get creative.

***don’t do anything unsafe***

9. Treat Yourself

Yes, you need to study, eat well and work out but when times get tough and you need a quick fix, you should treat yourself. Paint your toenails, put on a soothing face mask and drink some herbal tea.

10. Speak with someone who makes you feel good

When I start to get panicky, I call my mom. I’m lucky enough to have very supportive parents who make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Sometimes it’s nice to hear things like “you’re gonna be fine” and “I don’t regret raising you.” So talk to your mom, dad, neighbor, grandma, brother, best friend – whoever makes you feel like this baby otter feels…

You'll find me in my hammock between classes, drooling over volcano sushi rolls, or cross stitching in silence. I'm a maritime studies student with a dream of working on oceanic documentaries or founding Atlantis, whichever comes first.
Abigail is a Journalism and Political Science major minoring in Spanish. She has a penchant for puns and can't go a morning without listening to NPR's Up First podcast. You can usually find her dedicating time to class work, Her Campus, College to Congress, SGA or hammocking. Her dream job is working as a television broadcast journalist on a major news network. Down time includes TED talk binges, reading and writing. You can follow Abigail on instagram and Twitter @abi_meggs