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10 Study Abroad Tips from a Paranoid Solo Traveler

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

Traveling solo is one of the most liberating acts a girl can do while in college. However, there are some safety concerns that people always seem to mention to those who choose to go it alone. From my experiences, here are some safety measures I used to ease my peace of mind and keep myself a little safer while independently studying abroad.

1. Always carry cash in your shoe (or bra).

If anything were to ever occur where someone stole your wallet or your purse, the very least you can depend on is a bit of cash to get you to your final (and safe) destination.

2. Wear sunglasses during the day.

No, this isn’t for avoiding wrinkles. Sometimes, an unwanted confrontation can be avoided simply by not making eye contact. If you have some shades on, no one will be able to tell where you’re looking and people will be less likely to approach you.

3. Have an accountability buddy.

Have someone you can trust keep tabs on you. Text them when you leave somewhere and text them when you make it to your final destination. This will also create a track record of your movements if you ever need to retrace your steps!

4. Have your keys easily accessible.

Don’t fumble around trying to get into your car. Have your keys on hand and ready to unlock your car before getting to it in a (usually dark) parking lot.

5. Walk on lit-up streets

If you have the option, take the path more lit. Whatever Robert Frost said does not apply in large cities. Do not take the path less traveled. Stick to well-lit areas with lots of witnesses on hand.                             

6. Take public transport in less populated areas.

If you know that a route you intend on taking will push you through a more shady side of town, try to use public transport to minimize your time on the streets of the more dangerous parts of town.

7. If lost, step inside a store and ask a worker for help.

I witnessed a girl getting her purse cut off as she was asking for directions. Ever since, I made it a practice to reorient myself and ask for directions inside stores because stores have security cameras, are enclosed, typically have friendly staff and may even have security on-hand.

8. Wear headphones, but don’t play music.

This is similar to the idea of wearing sunglasses, but this one works for the nighttime. Having headphones on makes people think you are in your own bubble, but by keeping the sound off, you have control of your auditory environment and can keep yourself on high alert.

9. Put a ring on it.

I once was told that predators don’t go after married women as much because they are perceived as “used goods” who have someone waiting on them. So, I always wore a fake wedding ring when walking around just in case that statement was true.

10. Look at the shadows around to know what’s going on.

A big part of safety is just being aware of your surroundings. By looking at shadows cast around you, you can have a good sense about people who may be lurking around. When in doubt, step inside a store!

Leonie is a first-year student at the University of West Florida in sunny Pensacola, Florida. When she isn't studying for her MCAT prerequisites, Leonie loves to dance, whether it's by herself, with her dance teammates, or teaching a Zumba class. She is currently working on a super exciting ALS/Schizophrenia research project with a laboratory in Dublin. "Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day."
Abigail is a Journalism and Political Science major minoring in Spanish. She has a penchant for puns and can't go a morning without listening to NPR's Up First podcast. You can usually find her dedicating time to class work, Her Campus, College to Congress, SGA or hammocking. Her dream job is working as a television broadcast journalist on a major news network. Down time includes TED talk binges, reading and writing. You can follow Abigail on instagram and Twitter @abi_meggs