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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWB chapter.

Nothing beats watching funny shows after stuffing yourself with good food. I compiled a list of the five funniest Thanksgiving episodes I watch each year. Whether you hide out in your room or share them with your family these episodes are bound to make you shake with laughter. 

“Blair Waldorf Must Pie” Gossip Girl: 1×09 

SO MUCH DRAMA. True to Gossip Girl fashion, this episode is dramatic, ridiculous and hilarious. The whole episode is great, but nothing beats the moment where everyone is sitting down at the table and everything that could have gone wrong, goes wrong. The episode is very pleasing, and definitely holds a spot on my top ten Gossip Girl episode list (I may write an article on this in the future).

“The One Where Ross Got High” FRIENDS: 6×09

We all have secrets we hope to keep to ourselves, and we all have that one friend who can’t cook (but we feel terrible, so when they whip something up, we pretend to enjoy it). In this episode our friends try a little too hard to ensure that Thanksgiving goes according to plan, and they end up failing miserably. 

“Three Turkeys” Modern Family: 6×08

Secrets are kept, confessions are made, and love is shared. This episode is comedic gold. It gets better and better as the minutes pass. By the time you finish watching this episode you will have laughed so hard your lower abdomen will hurt. 

“A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving” Gilmore Girls: 3×09

Lorelai and Rory take on Thanksgiving like no one before. They attend not one, but three different dinners; what could possibly go wrong? I love Turkey Day, but I would never be able to eat so much food in a matter of hours. That’s some serious commitment. 

“The One With All The Thanksgivings” FRIENDS: 5×08

Our friends take a trip down memory lane of their worst Thanksgivings. We get a few flashbacks of when they were in college. We see Chandler as a young boy. Someone’s toe gets chopped off. A Turkey is used as a mask (see GIF above). Some pretty ridiculous things happen in this episode. It’s a good one. 

I hope you get to enjoy these episodes as much as I do. Happy Turkey Day!

Dessirée is a fourth year student majoring in biology at UWB. She plans on becoming a physician focused on closing the gap in the quality of health care women of underrepresented minorities receive. Amongst other things, Dessirée loves baking, writing letters, music, and spending time with her family. Dessirée loves an adventure, and enjoys traveling. So far, she has lived in five different countries. She hopes that Her Campus at UWB inspires and motivates readers to live their most authentic life.