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Felicity Warner / HCM

Your Samuel E Wood Application Process

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

As spring semester at UW Stout rolls on, the annual tradition of the Samuel E Wood process is here. The highest non-academic achievement a student at Stout can receive, and we’ll be up to our eyeballs in paperwork applying for it. At least we’re in it together, and can relate to the following experiences…

When You Get the Letter From SSA

We’re going from stress-free Winter break to the final lap in Mario Kart people!

Realizing You Have to Choose TWO People to Write Recommendation Letters

It’s like Sophie’s Choice for mentors!

Getting in Contact With Your Mentors

Are we on a first name basis? Is cordially yours too formal for a sign off? Please say nice things about me!

Sending in Your Resume and Involvement Experience in for Rec Letters

Yes it is I, the girl who lost track of her leadership experience.

Getting Your Letters Back

Is it possible to overdose on Serotonin?

Looking Up How to Write a Cover Letter

Is block style appropriate? Or should I do modified?

Writing Your Involvement Essays

I am out of synonyms for leadership and service.

Getting Everything Submitted in Time

These last two weeks have nearly killed me!

Applications are open until March 6th at midnight! May the odds be ever in your favor y’all!

Stephanie Zengler is a Business Administration major and Communication Studies minor, and she completely understands if you think her last name is actually Ziegler. Like a lot of business majors, Stephanie has a favorite Andrew Carnegie quote, and like a good communication minor, has very strong opinions on the Oxford comma. Aside from being a Stout student, Stephanie is an avid fan of Bay Area sports, Fleetwood Mac, and the amazingly perfect show Dollface.