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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

When it comes to shopping for clothing, many people have reservations about buying used. Some of this may come from past experiences of hand-me downs or a traumatic happening involving an ugly Christmas sweater. I’m here to let you know that pre-owned clothing isn’t as bad as you think and that it’s a great money saver.

Even though it may be hard to admit, as students we don’t have the extra cash to constantly be shopping at the mall. We have to be realistic about our budgets more than we want to. We can’t always afford to spend $50 on a new top you may only wear once. Instead it is easier to save us some money and buy used.  Thrift stores are a great place to get several items for the price of one. More than often you will find that same top you wanted last month for half the cost. And yes you can finally have an excuse to sing that Macklemore song.

The Difference Between Thrift Stores and Resale

Thrift Stores are often going to be hosted by local charities or part of the chain Goodwill. The benefits of shopping here is that you aren’t just buying clothes, but you’re also supporting your community. They carry all types of clothing for many occasions.  You can also find name brand pieces like Ralph Lauren hidden away in the racks.

Resale shops are going be places like Plato’s Closet or Cherry Pickers. These types of stores are great because they sell items that are current in fashion and you can easily find pieces from stores you shop at usually. They also sell accessories and shoes. The downside to shopping at these places is they only sell junior+ brands. So if you are in need of some professional business attire, they aren’t as likely to have it.

Tips on Buying Used

Always try the clothing on. (Not all of the stores allow returns and you don’t want to get stuck with something that doesn’t fit.)

Check for stains, tears or missing buttons.

Check every corner of the store; you don’t know what might be hidden away.

Take advantage of discount days- you may get you purchase for a 1/3 of the price.

Don’t get upset if you don’t find anything. Thrifting can be a hit or miss. You may find a lot one day and nothing the next.

Organize a Clothing Swap

If you still aren’t into wearing clothing that strangers wore, you can always organize a clothing swap with your friends. Plan an event with your group where everyone brings some clothing they are hoping to get rid of. Sort out piles and trade your stuff. If you are unsure of how to go about this, there are some great ideas here

Olivia is a Professional Communications in Emerging Media student at the University of Wisconsin - Stout. Currently the Campus Correspondent for Stout's chapter, she hopes to find a career in journalism. Originally from Milwaukee, Olivia has put her city life on hold to follow her dreams. You can follow her at her Instagram or blog, Olivia Marie.
Her Campus at UW-Stout