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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

All the time we hear the stories about boys being friend-zoned by the girls in their lives, but what is it like the other way around? Well, if you’re anything like me, you know what it is like to be Bro’d! The girl who tends to be perpetually single, but still has too many guy friends to count. While it may seem like a life filled with crude jokes and too much talking about sports, being a bro isn’t so bad when your bros are bomb. Here are ten of hundreds of reasons why your brofriends, are your bestfriends!

  1. When you go out you have your choice of wingman.

Whenever you go out together you are always meeting cute new guys that your bros are close to. Whether it is someone from their team or a bud from class, they are there to help you make new acquaintances and they know how to make you sound great. More than once, they have tried to set you up with a friend because they assume you will be perfect together.

  1. You can let your freak-flag fly.

At times when around people, you can be nervous or even stand-offish, but never when with the bros. Your boys know you are the weirdest girl around and respect you for it. They will never tell you to stop dancing or judge you for anything you say or do. You can simply be your awesome self around them!

  1. Entering a drama free zone.

It is true, guys just don’t care as much about petty things. If you ever do upset them they get over it a lot faster and will are not known to hold grudges. They can’t help but be straight with you and will tell you if they are annoyed or when you are being ridiculous about something. None of that behind the back shenanigans that is all too common with a group of girlfriends.

  1. Your expensive bottle of cabernet, won’t be touched.

When you are having a night out with them you know all the booze you bring will be for solely you. They would much rather chug a Busch light than sip on the magic that you’re drinking.  But when you do want a casual beer night, they got you!

  1. Long distance is a million times easier.

You can be apart from your bros for months on end with minimal to no communication and they won’t be offended. For many girls who are simply bad at texting this is a Godsend to not have to worry about trying to make awkward small talk and having to decide what emoji’s are normal to use. The best though is when you get that random drunken call at three am of them telling you how they love having you as a bro.

  1. You never have to wonder when the best time to say “I Love You” is.

You can say it whenever, because you do love them and they know you well enough to not be weirded out by that. You can’t help but tell those wonderful lads that you love them… like a bro.

  1. You get the inside look at the workings of men.

Men are these amazing, mysterious, and honestly at times gross creatures. Being around them all the time you get to see exactly how they operate. You have a better understanding of what boys are like and what they want from girls. This can at times be helpful, and at other times scare you away from ever wanting to date again.

  1. Finding a plus one is never a stress.

For wedding season or any get together you have options for your plus one. Even if one of the bros is busy you have any of the others to ask to accompany you. Also, there is nothing more fun than bringing your bro as your date. You never have to try to impress them and you are both able to converse and mingle with any other available people there without it being weird. Also, when single and wanting to do fun date stuff, hit up your brofriends.  That salsa dancing class you have been dying to take, most of the time at least one of them has to be down!

  1. You are comfortable being the only girl in the room or out on the town.

You never feel out of place being the only girl around.  You know how they operate and they feel comfortable with you because they know you are just a bro, who is totally okay with chilling.

  1. They got your back 100 percent of the time.

There is no one more loyal than a good brofriend. When that drunk guy is being too touchy, they swoop in to be your fake boyfriend. When another boy is mean to you, they are ready to punch any faces necessary. When you take one too many tequila shots, they are the ones there to be able to carry you home. When you just simply need to talk, they won’t hesitate to take you to get ice-cream. You are practically their little sister that they will always be looking out for.


Mom always said “Boyfriends come and go, but Brofriends are forever,” or something close to that. Don’t worry about it if you are a girl who gets bro’d a lot, because honestly nothing beats a good bro.

Allison is a girl. She likes to think she's "not like other girls" but that probably untrue.
Her Campus at UW-Stout