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Wear This, Not That! Dressing for Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

At this time of the year, it is all too easy to fall into bad habits. Finals week is exhausting, and it can be all too tempting to go to class in whatever you crawled out of bed wearing The last thing you want to worry about while prepping for tests is what you are going to wear. All you really want to do is to throw on your comfiest pair of sweatpants. But, this isn’t always the best route.

When you show up to your class looking like this, you look unprepared or just plain tired. The action of getting dressed in the morning allows you the chance to actually wake-up. Instead of only getting up just minutes before your final, set your clock ten minutes earlier. When you take those few minutes to get ready, you’ll find yourself feeling much more prepared and ready to go.

It takes just as much time to put on this outfit as the first. It’s ok to keep things simple. Swap out those baggy sweatpants for a pair of joggers. They’re just as comfy, but the nicer fabrics give them a more sophisticated look. Keep things basic with just a plain top and light accessories.

Olivia is a Professional Communications in Emerging Media student at the University of Wisconsin - Stout. Currently the Campus Correspondent for Stout's chapter, she hopes to find a career in journalism. Originally from Milwaukee, Olivia has put her city life on hold to follow her dreams. You can follow her at her Instagram or blog, Olivia Marie.
Her Campus at UW-Stout