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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

This Wednesday, Blue Devil Productions (BDP) is sponsoring the large fall show!  This semester We the Kings with Quietdrive and Windsor Drive as openers in the Great Hall in the MSC. Tickets are available online at tickets.uwstout.edu or the MSC Service Center for $10 pre-sale or $15 at the door.  Doors open at 7 pm and the show starts at 8pm!

To prepare you for the largest concert of the BDP season, here are a couple songs to get you ready for the big night!  

Check Yes Juliet 

We the Kings 



Say You Like Me  

We the Kings 



Skyway Avenue  

We the Kings 



Time After Time 





Windsor Drive 



Abigail Filcher is originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin and is a junior majoring in Graphic Design with a concentration in Interactive Media and Business Administration with a double emphasis in Marketing and Art. She is known as a nap addict, chocoholic, and dedicated coffee connoisseur.
Her Campus at UW-Stout