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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

They’ve plagued the pages of Pinterest lovers everywhere, emptied the wallets of thousands of prospective students, and they may have given you cool ideas, but let’s face it – they’ve given you plenty of duds.  That’s right, folks, we’re talking: College Packing Lists.  Any freshman out there knows exactly what I’m talking about.  Students dying to ease their nerves and prepare themselves for college seek out these lists to tell them what to bring with them when they go.  But it’s easy to become TOO prepared and forget about the limited space you have to store all of these things.  And before you know it, YOU TOO will look like the last feature in “Hoarders: Buried Alive”. 

Here at Her Campus, we’ve seen your struggle, and we’re here to provide the cure.  Enter:

Top Ten Things You’ll Wish You Left At Home!

                Straight from the students at University of Wisconsin – Stout is a list of what to pass on, and what should never see the light of a campus day…EVER.

1.)    Stuffed Animals.

 “I brought, like, fifteen stuffed animals with me and they take up so much space!” said the girls of South Hall.  Having one or two that sit on your bed is okay, but if your friends have to fight off your stuffed bear or fifteen beanie babies for a seat on the futon……Just a hint: you may have a problem.

 (Pictured: Emma Habich, Olivia Eustice, Marissa Bartlett, Kelsey Swanson, Casey Weserick, Mela Wasilewski, Alesha Cichy )

2.)    Graphing Calculators.

They may have been handy in high school, but many Stout students say their professors won’t allow them to use it anyway!  “Graphing calculators can be handy, but for most professors you don’t need it,” Jamie Kelser (pictured) told us.


3.)    Too many clothes and shoes.

 You may feel inclined to pack your whole wardrobe when you go off to school, but Jenna Sorenson, Ashley Banks, Jillian Hanne, Lyndsey Lloyd, and Aric Geissbuhler

mentioned they have used only half of what they brought.  Just pack seasonally.  You can always send for more.

 (Picture by Jillian Hanne)

4.)    School Supplies and Planner.

Unless you’re partial to writing everything in notebooks or binders, many of your assignments will be online.  Save some paper and some money by using your handy-dandy laptop instead.  Amber Sahli adds that UW-Stout actually supplies you with free planners, so don’t feel the need to go out and buy one.

5.)    Fold-up Chairs.

You may think it’s a good idea to include some extra seating, but unless you’re housing the whole floor, you can survive with a futon.  Desk chairs are included with the room.

“I brought a fold-up chair…. But it’s just incredibly clunky,” Ryan Scott (pictured) says.  Leave it at home and learn to improvise!

6.)    Washable Dishware.

We’re college students.  Washing dishes isn’t exactly high up on our priority list.  Save some money and pass on the dishes that will mold before you remember to wash them.  Emily Wyland, Caylie Duncanson, and Anna Gustafson advise us: Disposable dishes are the WAY TO GO.

7.)    Desk Lamp.

All of the desks that come equipped in the dorms have inset lamps, Katherine Enderby provided.  You’re going to need the outlet space, so just leave your personal desk lamp at home.

(Picture by Jillian Hanne)

8.)    Weights/Workout Clothing. 

First of all, Stout has TWO fitness centers.  We lugged 100 pounds of weights all the way here from my car…. But we just go to the gym,” Brandon Peebles mused.  Second, if working out is not a part of your everyday routine before college, you can tell yourself all you want that it will be, but there’s a good chance you’ll be just too busy.  Save yourself some space in your dresser for what really matters: Your secret stash of chocolates.

(Pictured: Gabi Dunlop)

9.)    Command Strips.

Every packing site lists these as the most useful tools for the college dorm.  But quite frankly, tape works just as well.  “They’re so expensive!  And there’s not a whole lot of wall space.  I’ve maybe used, like, one,” Emma Davis (pictured) divulged.

10.)  Plants. 

You may hope for that slice of nature in the fluorescent lighting of the dorm, but plants just aren’t the way to go.  Plants aren’t like pets.  They don’t remind you when you need to take care of them.  Unless you’ve got your whole life in order, you are going to forget.  Skip the mess and the hassle and consider pictures of plants.  Or a pet rock.  Or an inflatable dinosaur.  Just saying.  “I got a succulent that you only have to water once a month, and I killed it!Anna Gustafson giggled.

Honorable Mention:

“My roommate!  I should have left him at home.  Just kidding, Darien,” Bob Vogt (pictured) said, poking fun at roommate and high school friend, Darien Schmitz (pictured).

Kate is a junior at University of Wisconsin Stout.  She is a Professional Communication and Emerging Media major, with a concentration in Applied Journalism and a minor in Speech Communication.   Very soon she will also be dual majoring in Digital Marketing Technology. Her interests include blogging, writing, swing dancing, watching movies and (yes) training llamas back home.  Check out her blog at http://collegiettebyday.com
Her Campus at UW-Stout