We have heard stories of people being addicted to all type of things, but there is a new brutal addiction that has begun to prevail among young adults everywhere. While this addiction may not be fatal, for all the college student’s attempting to study, it’s certainly serious! This addiction is Pinterest. Yes, social media site full of DIY’s, recipes, and motivational quotes. While it is a seemingly harmless site, what many people are not aware of is the fact that this addiction can take control of your life. Here are some telltale signs that you may be currently at risk of a Pinterest addiction.
Pinning Finger:
The first symptom of an obvious addiction is the undeniable pinning finger. This occurs when you have spent so much time pinning and liking photos and articles that it affects every other area of your life. For example, you wouldn’t dare creep on a crush, because you will wind up deep in their feed and unknowingly double tap their shirtless picture from their family vacation in 2014. Coffee shops are a rough time because you can be found tapping the glass in front of the pin worthy muffins and pastries. Relationships with friends and family can be strained due to your constant liking of photos on their Facebook walls. This is the first addiction problem that is not easily solved.
Lost Time:
If you are finding that you are losing hours from your day, you may be an addict. You lie down in bed to sleep at 11:00 pm, then before you know it, it ‘s 1:00 in the morning. Without even being aware, hours were spent scrolling and pining. From the second that red-and-white app is tapped, time enters a vortex that’s impossible to escape. Too many nights have been lost to this constant battle of “I’ll just read one more article.”
Addiction recovery may want to be something you look into if this word has been used to describe you in some way or another. For example, someone walks into your bedroom for the first time and they comment on how “Pinteresty” it is. Another example where this word could be used is after you’ve completed a heavy–crafting session and your friends sit you down and let you know they are worried because you’ve been a little extra “Pinteresty” lately. Or maybe you found a prime outfit; perfected with a bow bun with eyebrows on fleek, only to have a barista comment on how your outfit is so “Pinteresty”. If you have ever heard this word attached to your personality, you may be at a high risk.
Life Expert:
Recently you have felt like you know everything about everything. Exactly how to properly perform every diet craze, the easiest way to home repair, to how to bake the perfect cupcakes. When unsure of how to do something, you resort to finding advice via Pinterest. You have the perfect workout plans and you’re only a chef due to the recipes you pin. You also feel as if you have become the world’s best motivational speaker. Every sad friend or moment will be uplifted by your perfect copyrighted quote about how flowers grow through sidewalks, or something like that. Who really needs school when you have Pinterest?
If these points relate to your life a little too exactly, or maybe you found this article on Pinterest, you may be an addict. Do not panic! There is help for you out there. For support call the hotline 1-800-PINTERESTISLYFE* and start along the long road to Pinterest recovery.
*not a real hotline.