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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

There are consequences to being an art student. Here are just a few…

It’s Expensive

You may think for art all you need is a pencil and paper, but classes require specific brands. You will need to sell an organ to be able to afford a sketchbook.

It Takes So Long

All nighters are common. If you enjoy getting a good nights sleep, don’t be an art student. You will never have free time. Friends? Never heard of them. 

You Don’t Need to Have a Degree to Get a Job

Jobs are more based on portfolios than your degree, so as long as you make good work you will find a job. So you are wasting your time.

It’s Not Fun

Drawing all day sounds good in theory right? Wrong. Your body will be in pain and you will be mentally done. Still lifes will make you cry. You’re lucky if your professor lets you draw what you actually want to. You know it’s bad when you would rather write a paper than work in charcoal. 

No One Takes You Seriously

If you ever mention you’re an art student to another adult, you will immediately see disappointment. You will be asked how you are going to make money, and be told that you are wasting money you don’t have.

You Will Not Graduate in 4 Years

If you try to be an art student in only 4 years; you will die. 15 credits will burn you out. Have fun taking summer and winterm classes while everyone else is having fun!

If you still want to be an art student after all that, good luck! You’ll get what’s coming to you.

Hannah Plitzner

UW Stout '23

I'm a college freshman going into Entertainment Design! I like movies, dogs, and drawing. My pronouns are she/her.
Her Campus at UW-Stout