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Meet Sarah, Stout’s Panhellenic President

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Name: Sarah J. Groskreutz

Year in School: Senior

Major: Family and Consumer Science Education (FCSE)

Minor: Human Development and Family Studies

Hometown: Redgranite, Wisconsin

HC: Why did you choose Stout?

Stout won the role though because of two factors. First off, I met my current program director the first time I toured Stout. Diane Klemme, took time out of her day to talk about the FCSE program, show and explain program plans and requirements for graduation. The second factor was a little game my mother and I played on our tour. We counted how many times the tour guide was said ‘Hello’ to or said ‘Hello’ to someone else. Stout came in on top of the three campuses I toured. Since my first day at Stout I have found everyone to be friendly and more than helpful. Picking Stout was the best decision for my college choice. Not only does the college understand the importance of hands-on learning but it strives for each student to form a lasting connection with the campus.  

HC: I know you are president of the Panhellenic council here at UW Stout, can you tell me more about what that is?

UW-Stout Panhellenic Council is the local representative body for the National Panhellenic Conference or NPC. National Panhellenic Conference consists of 26 national sororities. They strive to aid sororities in continuing to provide women with a good social experience, to create and maintain lifelong friendships with an organization that provides a sense of belonging and home, to develop individual’s leadership skills and uphold positive ideals. Here at UW-Stout we are proud to have three NPC sororities on campus: Alpha Phi, Delta Zeta and Sigma Sigma Sigma. We promote sorority bonding by hosting sisterhoods, educational opportunities and events that bring all the national sororities together.  During our weekly meetings each sorority shares their latest events so we can all support each other’s events

HC: How does the Panhellenic council benefit UW Stout?

 The Panhellenic Council benefits UW-Stout because we support three amazing sororities that give women a place to grow in so many ways. The members of the three national sororities experience a sisterhood bond that is indescribable while gaining leadership skills and a sense of empowerment. These ladies meet their best friends but are also connected to all of their sisters before and after them. Personally if I see someone wearing Alpha Phi letters I feel an instant connection to them and I am sure that goes for not only my sisters but also the members of Delta Zeta and Sigma Sigma Sigma.  Panhellenic Council makes these experiences happen by planning and leading Formal Recruitment and Informal Recruitment in the Fall and Spring semesters.

 HC: What other activities are you involved with on campus?

 A lot of my time is spent working for Dining Services in the Memorial Student Center as the Student Scheduler.. I manage around 150-175 employees every semester.

 I am also a proud member of UW-Stout Alpha Phi Sorority-Gamma Sigma chapter where I serve as the Executive Panhellenic Delegate. This organization has had the most effect on shaping the woman I am today.

I am also a member of the Stout Association of Family and Consumer Sciences along with the UW-Stout Habitat for Humanity.

 HC: What do you see yourself doing after college?

After college I hope to work for AmeriCorp for at least a year working with middle to high school aged youth. Eventually I will return to graduate school (don’t ask me for what just yet) with the ultimate goal of becoming a University of Wisconsin Extension 4-H Youth Development Educator. 

Hey Everyone! I'm Amanda, I'm typically a sports writer, but I'm switching it up and LOVE writing for HerCampus so far! 
Her Campus at UW-Stout