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Meet Rick Parmeter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Name:  Rick Parmeter

Major: Property Management with a Business Minor

Year: Graduate projection: 2015

Hometown: Eau Claire, WI

Relationship status: Single as ever

HC: Who is your celebrity crush: Tom Hardy (who doesn’t have a man crush on Tom Hardy)

HC: What do people say is your best quality?

RP: Very outgoing and personable

HC: How are you involved in campus? If not, do you want to become more involved?

RP: Honestly, I am not very involved in campus activities and would like to become more involved. I plan on joining IREM (Institute of Real Estate Management).

HC: Where do you see yourself 5-10 years from now?

RP: I see myself owning several rental properties in college towns because I find college house marketing very easy. I do plan on working with a property management company however until I have enough properties where it takes up most of my time.

HC:  Who is the main influence on your life?

RP: I would say my parents. I have seen them in the good and bad times and the way they persevered through them is pretty inspiring.

HC: If you were given a large amount of money, what is the first thing you would spend it on?

RP: I would put a down payment on my first rental property. I would also lease a decent vehicle because right now mine might break down at any moment.

HC: What is your ideal first date experience?

RP: I often see that people are afraid of running out of things to talk about so they take their dates to a movie or something that involves little getting to know each other. However, if I am really into someone then it shouldn’t be hard to converse. With that in mind, I would say I would cook dinner, enjoy a few drinks, and spend the rest of the evening just enjoying each other’s company.

HC: What is an ultimate deal breaker in a relationship?

RP: Someone who is too clingy because of trust issues.

HC: If you could develop any superpower, what would it be?

RP: I think being able to go back in time would be epic.

HC: Favorite place on campus?

RP: 3rd Floor of the Library on the right side.

HC: Any other quirks about yourself you want people to know?

RP: I thoroughly enjoy dancing. I am terrible at it but find the right song and I can get down to it.

Allison, Currently student at U of Wisconsin-Stout major in Human Development Studies. Hometown Minneapolis MN- it's been a big change from big city MN to small town WI. Huge fan of teacup pigs and anything furry. Always on the move, type of person you can hear before you see.