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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Meet one of UW-Stout’s finest, Ryan Sawyer! If you have the pleasure of knowing this lad, you’ll know that he is simply a gem. Ryan is one of those people who makes everyone around him feel comfortable. His dashingly handsome looks, fundamental kindness to all, and infectious laugh all work in unison to make him a hit on campus. Not only is he involved in two organizations on campus, but he also has a variety of other interests that keep him busy. He’s adventurous and he’s smart; read below to learn more about this man!

Hometown: Willmar, Minnesota              

Year: Senior

Major: Applied Social Science

Minor: Peace Studies


HC: If you were to describe yourself to someone in one sentence, what would you say?

RS: I enjoy pretty, dark-haired women and breakfast food. (Yes, that’s a Ron Swanson quote)

HC: Who is your favorite person, and why?

RS: Tom DeLonge. He has always stuck to his roots and never really let negativity bring him down; he just learned from it.

HC: Why did you first decide to attend the University of Wisconsin-Stout?

RS: I came here because my parents both went to school here and I loved the campus.

HC: How are you involved here on campus?

RS: I am a part of Stout Student Association (SSA) and Stout Students Unite.

HC: What accomplishment are you most proud of?

RS: I have been consistently playing guitar for over twelve years.

HC: Describe your perfect date.

RS: My idea of a perfect date would have to be something adventurous like a hike, bike ride, or a late night walk to Burrito California.

HC: What is the most important quality you would like in a significant other?

RS: She has to make me laugh.

HC: What is one dream you have for your life?

RS: To open my own business someday and to stay young at heart.  

Ryan’s Favorites

Study spot: 5th Floor Library or Fireside

TV show: Southpark or That 70’s Show

Food: Cereal

Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean

City: San Diego

Song: “What’s My Age Again?” by Blink 182

Memory: Being in Alaska this past summer!

Allison is a girl. She likes to think she's "not like other girls" but that probably untrue.
Her Campus at UW-Stout