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Meet Campus Cutie – Jack Eitel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Name: Jack Eitel

Hometown: Plymouth, MN

Major: Professional Communication and Emerging Media

Year: Sophomore

Relationship Status: Single


HC: What do you enjoy most about UW-Stout?

JE: I love the campus and Menomonie in general. It’s just such a great little community we have around here, everyone is usually very inviting and friendly!

HC: Describe yourself in three words.

JE: Nerdy, fun, sarcastic.

HC: What is your idea of the perfect date?

JE: It might be cliché, but dinner and a movie is my kind of night.

HC: What are your plans after college?

JE: I want to write about what’s going on in the world. Whether that means I end up as a reporter, blogger, or some other kind of writing guy – I’m not sure.

HC: If you were going on a first date, where would you take the girl? 

JE: To a nice restaurant, but not too nice. Maybe like Olive Garden or something. 

HC: If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be and why?

JE: Chris Pratt, because he’s hilarious and seems like a very “down-to-earth” fun guy to hang out with.

HC: Who do you consider the most influential person in your life? Why?

JE: My mom. She has taught me a lot about life, how to be a good person and to never give up on things that are important.

HC: What qualities do you look for in a significant other?

JE: I look for people who have good attitudes and I can joke around and have fun with. They need to like video games, working out, and need to think my terrible puns are funny.

HC: If you could have one superpower what would it be?

JE: The power to stop time.

HC: What is your favorite memory so far at UW-Stout?

JE: Going to my first ever cheerleading competition in Minneapolis.

HC: What are 3 things you cannot live without?

JE: The Internet, gym, pizza. These things kind of conflict with each other sometimes.

HC: What types of activities are you involved with on campus?

JE: I am a member of the UW-Stout Cheer and Stunt team and I also write news for Her Campus.

HC: How long have you been on the cheerleading team?

JE: This is my second year on the cheer team, as well as my second year of cheerleading in total.

HC: What do you like most about being on the team?

JE: My friends that I’ve made since joining. I love all of them to death and I love being able to hang out with them all the time at practices and games, and competitions! Everyone should go see a cheer competition, they are super cool and way different than what you’d expect cheer to be. 

Jack’s Favorites

Sport to watch: Basketball

Song: “1985” by Bowling for Soup

Food: Pizza

Vacation Spot: Sedona, AZ

Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Lawrence

Hanna Carpenter Hanna, originally from Prior Lake, MN, is a Senior at the University of Wisconsin - Stout with a major in Retail Merchandising and Managment. Hanna is a writer and partcipates in the event committee for the UW-Stout chapter. She loves spending time with her family and friends. She loves music and is a HUGE fan of Chris Brown.