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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Do you remember when you were little – about toddler age – when your parents or guardian taught you things such as using “please” when asking for something, or “thank you” when receiving something? Oh, and my personal favorite: saying “excuse me” when someone is in the way. Do you remember those? Hmm…oh yes, they’re called manners. Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only one that still uses them on a daily basis. I feel as though they aren’t held to the high standard like they once were. Maybe they are and I’m just surrounded by a bunch of people are lacking them. 

What bothers me to the enth degree is when people nearly trample me and don’t even bother with an “excuse me”. I’ve gotten several scoffs for smarting off, saying “excuse you” when this happens, but I have a pretty good feeling that it doesn’t even faze them. It’s not that hard of a phrase to say – a whole three syllables: ex-cuse-me. If you’re questioning why we use these two little words, let me enlighten you. Using the phrase “excuse me” is the polite way of either getting someone’s attention or letting them know that you’re going to be passing by them. And if you run into them, it’s almost like an apology before it happens! If you say that, the person won’t be annoyed and they might even respond nicely to you by saying “Oh, I’m sorry, let me move out of the way.” It’s also setting the scene for first impressions, showing that you have a level of respect for everyone. Amazing, isn’t it?! 

Something else that is a thing of the past is sassing someone that is obviously trying to be friendly. Don’t backsass someone that’s just trying to have a civil conversation with you. I witness this mainly with teenagers and children, but it still isn’t okay. Unless the person is being playful and talking sarcasticly with you; then it’s considered to as rude. Just talk nicely to them, and show that person you have respect. It’ll go a long way. 

Apologizing for something kind of goes along with the whole “excuse me” thing. Maybe it’s just my anxiety talking, but when I do something that bothers another person or make a mistake, or say something wrong, I usually apologize. When I’m at work and I bring the wrong size to a customer, I’ll say “I’m sorry” with a smile and then get them the correct size. Or when I accidentally bump into someone: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Or drop something. Or say something that unintentionally offends someone. Saying “sorry” actually carries a lot of weight. It shows that you’re taking responsibility for your actions or wrongdoings, even if it wasn’t a big deal to begin with. 

Those are my two biggest bothers as far as mannerisms go. I feel like we’re losing them in this society. People are careless about others and are just out for themselves. Soon it’s going to get to the point that if you say “pardon me,” you’re going to get a funny look. That’s a sad truth. When I say have manners, I don’t mean that you have to keep your elbows off the table or anything like that. I just simply mean being a respectful human being. That’s all. I don’t know you, you don’t know me, but just be nice and don’t trample me over in the aisle that’s six feet wide.

This article seems passive aggressive, but there’s an underlying truth to it. It seems that the only way to communicate and get a message across is to speak in sarcasm or passiveness, which it shouldn’t be. Being rude isn’t a trend and it shouldn’t be. Treating people with kindness and respect should be a trend. Not just because Harry Styles and Shawn Mendes preach it, but because that’s the humane and polite way to do things. I’d rather be known for being overly nice than being an absolute jerk. Let that sink in. 


I like cats, the Green Bay Packers, and One Direction. That's about it.
Her Campus at UW-Stout