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Local Student Studies So Hard She Decides to Change Her Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Local Interior Design student Bree Hackett has reportedly jumped right into studying for finals; cracking her textbooks weeks before Thanksgiving break.

“There is just so much information that we covered this semester, and I want to be sure that my final grades reflect my dedication to the material.”

Something that won’t be reflected in Bree’s dedication to the material is her apparent disdain for Interior Design, as suggested by her roommate Georgie. “She says that she wants to have good grades this term, but I really think she just wants to go out on a high note. I’ve never seen someone look so miserable designing the layout of a coffee shop.” 

At press time, it was reported that Bree had apparently filled out a change of major request form, and was seriously considering English studies instead. “Now that I’ve learned everything I can about Interior Design, I’m confident in deciding that I don’t actually like Interior Design.”


Stephanie Zengler is a Business Administration major and Communication Studies minor, and she completely understands if you think her last name is actually Ziegler. Like a lot of business majors, Stephanie has a favorite Andrew Carnegie quote, and like a good communication minor, has very strong opinions on the Oxford comma. Aside from being a Stout student, Stephanie is an avid fan of Bay Area sports, Fleetwood Mac, and the amazingly perfect show Dollface.