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Style > Beauty

Local Student Learns the Price of Going Blonde

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Local Retail Marketing student Anya Karter is learning the hard way about the expense of blonde locks. A natural auburn, Anya decided to come to school with a new platinum blonde look.

“I spent almost $200 getting this hair, and now I’ve gotta spend like $50 a month upkeeping it? The coloring and fill-ins I can understand, but why on earth is purple shampoo so expensive? And why does my hair look so brassy without it? Should I just cut it all off and start wearing a wig?”

At press time it was reported that Anya found solace in her expensive new hair by finding a nearby salon offering reasonable bi-monthly fill-ins and discounted purple shampoo in bulk. 


Stephanie Zengler is a Business Administration major and Communication Studies minor, and she completely understands if you think her last name is actually Ziegler. Like a lot of business majors, Stephanie has a favorite Andrew Carnegie quote, and like a good communication minor, has very strong opinions on the Oxford comma. Aside from being a Stout student, Stephanie is an avid fan of Bay Area sports, Fleetwood Mac, and the amazingly perfect show Dollface.