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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

As the semester becomes spent, so does the money in our wallets and we are starting to feel the hurt.  So a simple solution would be to get a job. But as students we have a couple choices we have to make. One being, should you work on or off campus?


Working on campus gives us a couple opportunities off campus cannot. One of the opportunities working on campus is the flexibility around class schedules.  Having flexible hours ensures that you will be receiving the maximum number of hours that are available. Another good thing about working on campus is the convenience of it all. Being on such a small campus it is almost guaranteed you won’t have to spend more than 10 minutes walking to work. 


But on the contrary, working off campus has many benefits as well. Whether it is serving, a front desk position, or helping the elderly, off campus jobs often have a higher starting wage. However, these higher wages come with unfortunate side effects. Jobs off campus are less likely to work with your schedule and lack the convenience of being on campus. In addition, the holiday breaks on campus does not necessarily reflect the breaks you will receive from your off campus job.


There are several ways to finding a job on campus. Whether it is seeing a poster hanging in the hallway, word of mouth, or even seeing it advertised in the Campus Life Today; a collection of jobs can be found online on Stout Career Link.

Stout CareerLink is a collection of on and off campus jobs all in one spot. Logging onto CareerLink be sure to use the same username and password as Access Stout.

After successfully logging in, use the tool bar to select ‘Job Vacancy Lists’. This is where you can distinguish between on and off campus employment. Clicking on a job positing gives more information on each position, including how to contact them for more information or applying.


Happy job hunting! 

Abigail Filcher is originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin and is a junior majoring in Graphic Design with a concentration in Interactive Media and Business Administration with a double emphasis in Marketing and Art. She is known as a nap addict, chocoholic, and dedicated coffee connoisseur.
Her Campus at UW-Stout