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The Importance of Supporting Independent Retailers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

When I studied abroad in London it took quite some time for me to adjust to their culture. One of the main barriers for me was not having big box stores like we have in the U.S. If I needed to buy school supplies, groceries or clothing I didn’t have the option of driving to the nearest Target. I had to research local stores to find what I was looking for—a concept we are not too accustomed to here. Upon returning to the U.S., I found myself missing the small, independent retailers. In a world of Walmart, Target, and Forever 21 we have become far too dependent on large corporate retailers. Think about it, when was the last time you bought clothes at a small shop in your hometown? We all are victims of this; we choose to take the easy way out when shopping for clothes. It’s not enough to celebrate these independent retailers one month of the year (it’s July, by the way.) We need to support them all throughout the year. Still note convinced? Here are the top five reasons why you should start supporting independent retailers:

1. Unique Products—Everyone has that sweater from Forever 21, but how many people have that hand crafted one from that small store in town? I find some of my favorite pieces at independent stores—ones that no corporation can imitate.

2. Personalized Experience—Whether I’m buying clothes on Etsy or from small stores in town, I am always given the best customer service. The various shop owners whom I have bought products from on Etsy always beautifully wrap everything, include a handwritten note, and usually give me some sort of discount to be used in the future.

3. Support for your Community—You know how you keep saying you want to give back and volunteer in the community? Although purchasing products is not quite the same thing, it is a great way to support your neighbors and create a sense of community.

4. Quality Products—I find that the independent retailers put so much more time and detail into crafting their products. Although the prices may be a little greater than at a big box store, they are high quality products that will last a couple years.

5. Sustainable—I couldn’t tell you where the majority of my clothing was manufactured or even who created the garments. Independent retailers either feature a small array of brands or create the products themselves. Furthermore, they pride themselves on locally sourcing all their products. It’s important that we take an interest in where our clothing comes from, which independent retailers truly excel at doing.

Abigail is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. She is majoring in Retail Merchandising and Management with a concentration in Fashion Marketing and has a double minor in Business Administration and Spanish. Aside from being a Style Writer for Her Campus, she is involved with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) and Street Level Ministries. In her spare time she enjoys collecting art, watching Hallmark movies with family and friends, and going on adventures. 
Her Campus at UW-Stout