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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Name: Ian Pommer

Hometown: Stillwater

Year: Senior

Major: Game Design  – Art


If you could go to anyplace in the world for a week, where would you go?

I have never been out of North America, so I would just like to start working on that, but there are too many different places to pick one.


What 3 words best describe you?

reserved, sometimes sarcastic


What is your favorite memory so far at UW Stout?

Definitely the friends


What are 3 things you cannot live without?

·      Internet connection

·      A project to work on

·      Something to distract me from the project


What is your guilty please song?

High Above Me – Tal Bachman


What is your favorite midnight snack?

I am big snacker at night, but I am a sucker for sweets – anything with chocolate



What do you find attractive in a girl?

Being witty is really attractive, I think it says a lot about a person


What is your example of a perfect date?

A date that isn’t tied down, let’s not spend the whole thing at one place


Who is your celebrity crush?

Mila Kunis


What is a girl trend that you don’t understand?

Sparkly Uggs

Hey Everyone! I'm Amanda, I'm typically a sports writer, but I'm switching it up and LOVE writing for HerCampus so far! 
Her Campus at UW-Stout