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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

It’s that time of year where all of the stores are wild with shoppers. Some stores extend their hours so shoppers can have more time to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Either way, it’s the most chaotic time of year for stores everywhere. It seems like people lose their marbles and it’s hard to keep your sanity. Especially if you’re not one for crowds. Whatever you do, try to keep your cool.

Christmas shopping can get frustrating. It’s not always because of the stores – it’s because other shoppers tend to have tunnel vision and don’t pay attention to others, causing them to either cut you off or just be rude. While sometimes it’s hard to stay calm, you will in order to avoid any confrontations. It’s one of those necessary evils during this holiday season. Your best bet is to go to an empty aisle and take a few minutes to take some deep breaths and regain your sanity. 


Employees are just as stressed as you are.

It’s not uncommon for stores to run out of certain items. It can drive shoppers nuts – so much so that they take it out on the employees as if they were personally attacked. Holiday shopping isn’t just stressful for shoppers. As someone who works in retail, we’re just as frustrated as you, if not more. Remember that it’s not the employee’s fault if the store is out of a product or don’t have your size.


This is when the Notes app comes in handy.

Instead of just going in the stores without a plan, try to make a shopping list of things you know that you want. Sit down before you go out and look through the ads and find things you know that you want. That’s not saying you can’t just grab something if you see it on the shelf and it’s not on your list; the list is just a game plan so you’re not running around like a chicken with its head cut off. And if you don’t want to mess around with a notepad or paper, there’s a handy little Notes app on your smartphone that will let you make a nice bulleted list.


We’re never too old for the buddy system.

Shopping alone isn’t as fun as going with someone, whether it be a friend or a family member. Not only is it nice to have a shopping buddy, but you can tag team on each other’s shopping lists. One of you can go to one section of the store to get something and the other can go to another section, due to my own natural observation that you don’t get cranky as fast when you’re shopping with someone versus shopping alone. 



If you are not one for crowds or cat fights with strangers, I would suggest avoiding places like Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Works during the times when they have really good sales going on. While they do have great and amazing deals, chances are that they’re going to either run out of what you’re looking for or that they’ll have some sort of sale going on throughout the holiday season. Sure, it might not be as great as the initial one, but it’s still a discount off the original price. 


Those are just a few tips that I have for Black Friday shopping and just Christmas shopping in general for this upcoming holiday season. I hope you have a safe shopping trip and are able to get whatever you’re looking for! Happy shopping!

I like cats, the Green Bay Packers, and One Direction. That's about it.
Her Campus at UW-Stout