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How to Get Home for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

As the snow drifts (or blows!) across campus, the holiday season is in sight. But the worry of, “How will you get home for the holidays?” starts ringing in your head. Whether you have your own vehicle, or are looking for a ride, each of these ideas will help you find your way, or maybe some gas money!

If you are posting about offering a ride make sure to include where you are going, when you are leaving, and how much it will cost your riders. After contacting each of your riders be sure to agree on a meeting place on campus to pick everyone up, and a drop off place at your destination.

If you are a rider, it goes without saying, but be courteous! When asking for a ride don’t automatically assume that they will drive you! Be sure to give all the information up front that you are looking for, drivers usually have multiple e-mail chains going for rides and can get confusing. For brownie points, bring some

treats for your road trip!

University of Wisconsin: Stout Rideshare Facebook Page

If you haven’t already joined the Stout Rideshare group on Facebook, DO IT NOW! There are posts about students driving and looking for rides all over the place! This group is located within the Wisc Stout groups on Facebook, by using your Stout e-mail this ensures that only Stout students are offering the rides.

Helpful Hint: If it is your first time in the Wisc Stout group on Facebook, be sure to check out all the other groups that Stout offers!

Stout Website: Ride Board

The UW-Stout sponsored Ride Board can be found here. Once at the website, look for a posting or click the posting tab to add your own. Although this website isn’t as widely used as the Facebook group, the Ride Board offers additional locations (primarily in Wisconsin) that might have been buried on the Facebook page.

Word of Mouth

Ask around! A lot of students are unaware of the ride boards or even the idea of sharing a ride. You never know, your next door neighbor might be going somewhere close to your destination!

Safe Travels!

Abigail Filcher is originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin and is a junior majoring in Graphic Design with a concentration in Interactive Media and Business Administration with a double emphasis in Marketing and Art. She is known as a nap addict, chocoholic, and dedicated coffee connoisseur.
Her Campus at UW-Stout