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Homecoming Queen Nominee: Xanath “Xani” Guzman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Name:  Xanath “Xani” Guzman

Major: Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management

Year: Senior

Hometown: Winchester, WI

Relationship status: Taken

HC: Why did you run for Homecoming royalty?

XG: It’s my senior year of college and I thought to myself, “It’s your last chance to do anything like this again so why not?” Just wanted to make the most of my college experience and represent my team.

HC: What would winning mean to you?

XG: I think winning would be great because I would be representing the UW-Stout Track and Field team, as well as athletics here at Stout. It would be great to bring attention to all the hard work student-athletes put into their school work and their sport.

HC: How have you been campaigning to become royalty?

XG: I have several friends who are really talented with Photoshop and such so they have been making posters to put on the Facebook event page my friends made. I’ve also enlisted the help of my awesome artist brother to draw some chalk campaigns!

HC: How are you involved in campus? If not, do you want to become more involved?

XG: I have been on the UW-Stout Track and Field team for the past four years. It is something I have been very involved in on campus and have learned a lot from it. I also am involved with multicultural events such as a co-op showcase. I do wish I could be a little more involved though.

HC: Where do you see yourself 5-10 years from now?

XG: I see myself living on an island with Matt Small, own about 10 pugs and running a burrito food truck with my brother.

HC: What do people say is your best quality?

XG: I asked several people and they said my kindness. I really do care a lot about my friends and family and am always there for anyone that needs me…This includes animals too!

HC:  Who is the main influence on your life?

XG: My biggest influence is definitely my mom. She’s taught me to be independent, never give up and good things happen to good people.

HC: If you were given a large amount of money, what is the first thing you would spend it on?

XG: I would take my family with me to my ocean conservation volunteer trip in Mexico this summer and then travel around Mexico.

HC: What is your ideal first date experience?

XG: I love being outside so doing something anything that involves being outside (as long as it’s somewhat warm haha). But really as long as I’m with someone I like, it doesn’t matter what we do.

HC: What is an ultimate deal breaker in a relationship?

XG: If you don’t like animals and hanging out with my family, we could never date.

HC: If you could develop any superpower, what would it be?

XG: I would definitely want to teleport so I could go to the Virgin Islands during the freezing Wisconsin winters.

HC: Favorite place on campus?

XG: I would definitely say the outdoor track, MPR or weight room. These are the places where I have literally felt like I was going to die (during practices) but at the same time I’ve felt my best ever.

HC: Any other quirks about yourself you want people to know?

XG: I’m really obsessed with burritos and pugs…but I feel like most people know that because of all my retweets on twitter…

Allison, Currently student at U of Wisconsin-Stout major in Human Development Studies. Hometown Minneapolis MN- it's been a big change from big city MN to small town WI. Huge fan of teacup pigs and anything furry. Always on the move, type of person you can hear before you see.