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Homecoming Queen Nominee: Rachael Meyer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Name:  Rachael Meyer

Major: Retail Merchandising & Management

Year: Junior

Hometown: New Ulm, MN

Relationship status: Single

HC: Why did you run for Homecoming royalty?RM: I was nominated to run for this year’s Homecoming Queen by my sorority, which is Alpha Phi. I’m so glad I accepted because it has been a blast so far!

HC: What would winning mean to you?RM: Being crowned Homecoming Queen would mean the world to me because it would prove that the students on this campus truly understand just how much this college experience that I’m sharing with all of them means to me. UW-Stout means so much to me and if I could mean even a fraction of that to the campus by being Homecoming Queen, it would be an honor that I would cherish.

HC: How have you been campaigning to become royalty?RM: I’ve been campaigning by creating my own page on Facebook where I post pictures, the daily Homecoming events, as well as UW-Stout Alpha Phi’s participation in this week’s events. My sisters also “chalked” on various areas on campus with phrases that say “Rachael for UW-Stout’s Homecoming Queen 2014,” or “Vote for Rachael.” Also participating in as many as Stout’s Homecoming Events on campus. 

HC: What do people say is your best quality?RM: I can be described as “a genuine friend, amazing sister to her Alpha phi sorority, silly and just a little bit sassy, and loves to see others having a great time.”

HC: How are you involved in campus? If not, do you want to become more involved?RM: I’ve been involved mostly through my sorority since I transferred last year to UW-Stout. We hold a lot of fundraising events on and off campus that support either UW-Stout or our philanthropy, which is women’s heart health. I plan to become more involved through SRA or Stout’s FAB magazine this year.

HC: Where do you see yourself 5-10 years from now?RM: I see myself living somewhere besides the Midwest, preferably on the West coast, working as a buyer since that is my concentration in my major. I hope to be engaged/married and I’ve always wanted to have four kids one day.

HC:  Who is the main influence on your life?RM: I think the main influence in my life would have to be my mom. She has always been there for me, always ready to give advice, knows just what to say when I’m having a terrible day and has taught me to love life, cherish every moment that God gives you. Also to always remember and put first the most important things in life—family and friends.

HC: If you were given a large amount of money, what is the first thing you would spend it on?RM: If I were given a large amount of money I think the first thing I would spend it on would be to pay off my college education, to donate to my sorority’s philanthropy (which is women’s heart health) and/or any children’s charity, or to travel.

HC: What is your ideal first date experience?RM: I’m not sure that I have an “ideal” first date experience. No matter what you do, it depends on the person that you’re with and how much effort they put into it. I want someone to show that they thought about the date, made an effort to plan something out and genuinely want to get to know me as much as possible. He also needs to be able to make me laugh- I love being around someone I can be silly with and someone that makes me feel completely comfortable to be myself.

HC: What is an ultimate deal breaker in a relationship? RM: An ultimate deal breaker in a relationship would have to be a lack of trust, or honesty. Trust is the foundation in a relationship and if it’s not there, there’s no way the relationship is going to last. And if you can’t be completely honest with the person you’re dating, then there’s no point in being in a relationship in the first place.

HC: If you could develop any superpower, what would it be?RM: If I could develop any superpower it would definitely be to be able to read other people’s minds.

HC: Favorite place on campus?RM: Commons, I love food.

Allison, Currently student at U of Wisconsin-Stout major in Human Development Studies. Hometown Minneapolis MN- it's been a big change from big city MN to small town WI. Huge fan of teacup pigs and anything furry. Always on the move, type of person you can hear before you see.