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Healthy Breakfasts You Can Make in Your Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Living in a college dorm can sometimes mean skipping breakfast all too often. You’re rushing out the door to make it to an 8 a.m. class and by noon you’re ready to over indulge in anything you can get your hands on.

Instead of skipping the “most important” meal of the day, why not give yourself ten extra minutes to make a delicious filling breakfast; or better yet if you are someone who can wake up early in the morning go check out your campus cafeteria. If you make the right choices you can have a healthy breakfast for a cheap price.

Oatmeal, Oatmeal, Oatmeal!

This is my go to breakfast on my busy days. It’s something you can make so many variations of, and its low in calories!

I, personally, make what I call “Reese’s” oatmeal. You take ½ cup of rolled oats and microwave them to your package’s directions. Next you take 1 Tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 Tablespoon of ground flaxseed (these are very healthy!), and 1 Tablespoon of peanut butter of your choice.

This by far is the most filling breakfast food out there, and as an added bonus it’s affordable!


 We all jumped on the granola bandwagon a few years ago. At that time parfaits just started showing up on menus everywhere, even dare I say at McDonalds. But to make your own is a really simple process. Just take your favorite yogurt (Greek or regular), I personally use Dannon Activia, and some granola. Just those two alone are great together, but I like to cut up a banana, and if you’re using unsweetened yogurt try adding some honey or cinnamon for extra flavor!


Alright I know this one not everyone can make in their dorms, since some don’t allow kitchen appliances. But if you’re lucky enough to do this one it’s a great “on the go” breakfast that you can load up with healthy ingredients.

Chunky Monkey Smoothie: Take one banana and cut it up, then freeze overnight. In the morning put your banana chunks in the blender along with 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter, 1 cup of ice, 1 cup of milk ( I use almond milk), ½ teaspoon of vanilla, and 2 Tablespoons of cocoa powder. Finally blend away and put in your favorite tumbler. This is definitely a breakfast your classmates will be jealous of!


This is a classic, but there are so many sugary cereals on the shelves these days; so how do you choose one that is good and good for you? One key is to look at the fiber in your cereal, you want at least 5 grams in your bowl. Another key nutritional element is protein, and you should have about 3 grams in your cereal alone, bonus some more may come from your milk too! Choose skim, soy, or almond milk, and add some fresh fruit to your bowl for extra sweetness.


Kashi’s Blueberry Clusters is one of my favorites, I top mine off with unsweetened almond milk. This cereal is loaded with antioxidants and has low sodium content, as well as it tastes amazing!

Her Campus at UW-Stout