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Finding Confidence in Fashion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

When I was younger I had absolutely no shame when it came to fashion. I wore two Halloween costumes at once, tap shoes outside and as many butterfly barrettes and Magic Marker stained scarves as physically possible. It was not pretty.

Despite all the disparaging looks and double takes from my family and friends, I still continued to experiment with fashion. To me, clothing wasn’t about functionality or practicality; it was an opportunity to try something crazy and new. As long as I was having fun with it I could care less what people thought of my outfits. That is, until middle school.

Middle school was a difficult transition for me, fashion-wise. I went from playing outside in tap shoes, to wondering if the Abercrombie and Hollister logos on my clothing were noticeable enough to passerby’s in the hallway. I was no longer dressing for myself; I was dressing for social acceptance.

It wasn’t until high school that I fully started to accept how pathetic that concept was. I changed my entire appearance just so I would fit in with everyone else. And for what? So people wouldn’t make fun of me or so I could make friends? People still teased me for my Juicy Couture this and my Keds that. Nor did wearing all the “cool” brands have people lining up at my locker, begging to be my friend.

There is no escaping judgment, raised eyebrows, or suppressed giggles and finger pointing for what you wear. Not everyone is going to understand why you shop at certain stores, wear certain pieces together, or even like that style of clothing. And that’s okay. As long as you are comfortable and happy with what you are wearing, nothing else matters. If you want to wear mismatched neon socks, a tutu, or just some skinny jeans and a t-shirt—that is one hundred percent fine. Own what you’re wearing and stop caring what others think.

Abigail is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. She is majoring in Retail Merchandising and Management with a concentration in Fashion Marketing and has a double minor in Business Administration and Spanish. Aside from being a Style Writer for Her Campus, she is involved with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) and Street Level Ministries. In her spare time she enjoys collecting art, watching Hallmark movies with family and friends, and going on adventures. 
Allison, Currently student at U of Wisconsin-Stout major in Human Development Studies. Hometown Minneapolis MN- it's been a big change from big city MN to small town WI. Huge fan of teacup pigs and anything furry. Always on the move, type of person you can hear before you see.