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Featured Organization: Stoutonia

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

I was recently lucky enough to sit down with Grace Arneberg, Editor-in-Chief of Stoutonia. In the past 100 years, Stoutonia has become UW-Stout’s student ran newspaper.

HC: When and where are your meetings?

Grace: Depending on the week, whether it is a publishing week or not, the meetings are Monday and Wednesdays.

HC: How did Stoutonia get started?

Grace: Stoutonia started in 1915 as a weekly paper about campus events. 

HC: How has Stoutonia evolved?

Grace: Well, Stoutonia started out as a weekly paper, it now has become a biweekly newspaper. We have also recently changed the layout of the newspaper, it can now easily fit in a backpack without having to fold it! Also, in the past couple of years, Stoutonia has been more involved online, feel free to check out the paper at http://stoutonia-online.com!

HC: What is your favorite part about being on staff?

Grace: I love being with the students involved in Stoutonia, it is what makes working at the paper fun! It makes the long nights of editing and laying everything out worth it!

HC: Is Stoutonia looking for members?

Grace: Stoutonia is always accepting applications! Although we don’t have any openings at the moment, it is great to check back, especially at the start of the fall or spring semester to see what is jobs are available.

HC: Any other information you think would be good to include in the article?

Grace: We want to hear from the students! Whether it be an article suggestion or feedback, Stoutonia wants to hear from everyone!


If you are interested in learning more about Stoutonia, feel free to stop by the Invovlement Center in the MSC.


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Abigail Filcher is originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin and is a junior majoring in Graphic Design with a concentration in Interactive Media and Business Administration with a double emphasis in Marketing and Art. She is known as a nap addict, chocoholic, and dedicated coffee connoisseur.
Her Campus at UW-Stout