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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

“Fashion is pain.”

That was the motto I used to center my style around. I wore two-sizes-too-small shoes because they were vintage and only offered in one size. My idea of “comfy clothes” was a swing dress made of silk. The only thing I cared about was creating cohesive and stylish outfits. This goal was constantly being reinforced by the media. I read fashion magazines and watched fashion films, which taught me that as long as you’re dressed well, nothing else matters.

Now, I could care less about having stylish outfits or dressing up. And you know what? I’m completely okay with that.

The media constantly try to define such things for us. They tell us what to wear each season, to a party, on a date, and that as long as we look good, who cares about comfort?

We all have our own unique styles. These styles are creative, fun, personal, and reflections of who we are as people. It doesn’t have to result in blisters on our feet or angry red marks from uncomfortable clothing. We should feel good about what we wear every day. That’s what’s so great, when we let go of societal style norms we can decide for ourselves what is comfortable, formal, or casual attire.


You, yes, YOU, are beautiful and have a wonderfully unique style. You don’t need uncomfortable clothing or shoes to accomplish that. Embrace who you are and make your style your own.

Abigail is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. She is majoring in Retail Merchandising and Management with a concentration in Fashion Marketing and has a double minor in Business Administration and Spanish. Aside from being a Style Writer for Her Campus, she is involved with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) and Street Level Ministries. In her spare time she enjoys collecting art, watching Hallmark movies with family and friends, and going on adventures. 
Her Campus at UW-Stout