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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Name: Danny Ray

Hometown: Grand Forks, ND

Year: Junior

Major: Psychology

HC: What types of activities are you involved with on campus?

DR: UW-Stout Hockey Team

HC: How old were you when you started playing hockey?

DR: I was 4 years old when I started to skate

HC: Who influenced you to start playing

DR: My parents were my influence to start playing and a lot of my friends were starting to play as well

HC: What are your hopes for this season? What position do you play?

DR: I am a defenseman, my hopes for this season are for the team to succeed and hopefully win a division title

HC: What’s your favorite Go-To dance song?

DR: Fancy

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

DR: Hopefully have a good job in my desired field with a family

HC: How old were you when you had your first kiss, and what was it like?

DR: I was 14 when I had my first kiss, the kiss was nice, it was a more of a peck but nice nonetheless

HC: What type of qualities do you look for in a girl?

DR: When I look for a girl I look for a girl that is easy on the eyes, easy to talk to, nice, kind and someone that can keep me in line at times.  She has to be funny and spontaneous. [Being] trustworthy is also a big factor for me.

HC: What’s your idea of a perfect date?

DR: A perfect date to me is nothing crazy. Maybe an NHL game with a girl that enjoys hockey with dinner to follow. 

Hey Everyone! I'm Amanda, I'm typically a sports writer, but I'm switching it up and LOVE writing for HerCampus so far! 
Laura (Lo), originally from Milwaukee, WI, is an alumni of Her Campus and the University of Wisconsin - Stout. She majored in Professional Communication & Emerging Media and Strategic Communication. Lo was involved with Her Campus as a High School Journalism & Publicity Ambassador, Chapter Advisor and Campus Correspondent for HC UW-Stout. Laura is currently a Social Media Specialist for Fence Talk Digital and does freelance writing occasionally. Feel free to follow her on Twitter or add her on LinkedIn.