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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Whenever I envision a tropical paradise, the ocean waves are brushing up against my toes, the beaming sun rays are bronzing my skin, and I’m sipping a speciality drink out of a coconut. Although coconuts are best known for holding beachy-themed beverages, as of lately their other uses have been made known, and have especially gained popularity in its oil form.

Wellness mama provided a list of 101 uses for coconut oil, but I chose a few that I find to be most interesting.

Coconut oil can be used for your beauty needs such as a make up remover, getting rid of the frizzy hair that normally comes with the cold winter months, and can even be used as a shaving cream, leaving legs silky smooth, as well as having benefits for acne.

Not only is coconut oil used for dermatological reasons, it can be used to keep your body happy and healthy on the inside too. Coconut oil is beneficial in giving your brain a boost start in the morning, as well as adding a tasty, yet light twist taste to smoothies. Coconut oil is known to improve sleep (which we could all use) when taken daily. The “miracle oil” can even alleviate any allergy symptoms you may get during each season.

The every girl  blog provides an awesome at-home-hair-treatment that involves coconut oil, and has been known to provide awesome results.

The awesome part about coconut oil is that it’s extremely easy to find, and is typically under eight dollars! Both Wal-Mart and the Menomonie Co-Op sell it!!




Her Campus at UW-Stout