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Campus Cutie: Robert Swessel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Name:  Robert Swessel

Major: Health Wellness and Fitness

Year: Senior

Hometown: Mukwonago, WI

Relationship status: Single

HC: Who is your celebrity crush: Adriana Lima

HC: What do people say is your best quality?

RS: How easy I am to talk to.

HC: How are you involved in campus? If not, do you want to become more involved?

RS: I have been a Resident Advisor, President of the Residence Hall Association and am the current President of The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity.

HC: Where do you see yourself 5-10 years from now?

RS: Being a Health Promotions Supervisor somewhere out of the Midwest.

HC:  Who is the main influence on your life?

RS: My father because his work ethic is second to none.

HC: If you were given a large amount of money, what is the first thing you would spend it on?

RS: Sponsoring my Fraternity’s founder’s day tournament that raises money for Children’s Miracle Network.

HC: What is your ideal first date experience?

RS: Taking her out for dinner, getting ice cream and walking through a park after. Hopefully getting a second date.

HC: What is an ultimate deal breaker in a relationship?

RS: Lack of trust would be an ultimate deal breaker for me.

HC: If you could develop any superpower, what would it be?

RS: The ability to go Super Saiyan.

HC: Favorite place on campus?

RS: Fireside dining area in the MSC.

HC: Any other quirks about yourself you want people to

RS: I’m a total nerd and I’m not afraid to admit it and I love meeting new people.

Allison, Currently student at U of Wisconsin-Stout major in Human Development Studies. Hometown Minneapolis MN- it's been a big change from big city MN to small town WI. Huge fan of teacup pigs and anything furry. Always on the move, type of person you can hear before you see.