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Campus Cutie: Kraig Dean

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Name:  Kraig Dean

Major: Engineering Technology

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: WI

Relationship status: Single

HC: Who is your celebrity crush: Jessica Alba

HC: What do people say is your best quality?

KD: “Uh, I don’t know? What do you think?”

HC: “You’re good at making people laugh!”

KD: “Ok, I guess I’m pretty funny.”

HC: How are you involved in campus? If not, do you want to become more involved?

KD: Zero, none. But I do enjoy in being involved in things, I was in water ski team last year. Kind of.

HC: Where do you see yourself 5-10 years from now?

KD: I see myself at a stable job, “I don’t know, wait- will I have a family by then?”

HC:  Who is the main influence on your life?

KD: My mom and dad

HC: If you were given a large amount of money, what is the first thing you would spend it on?

KD: First thing I’d spend it on is probably… a vacation for my mom and dad.

HC: What is your ideal first date experience?

KD: A long walk on the beach, maybe dinner? And a night of fun activities.

HC: What is an ultimate deal breaker in a relationship?

KD: Craziness.

HC: If you could develop any superpower, what would it be?

KD: Super strength, it’d be sweet.

HC: Favorite place on campus?

KD: The fitness center or my dorm room, I don’t really know. Maybe the library. Also my bed, don’t touch anything there.

Allison, Currently student at U of Wisconsin-Stout major in Human Development Studies. Hometown Minneapolis MN- it's been a big change from big city MN to small town WI. Huge fan of teacup pigs and anything furry. Always on the move, type of person you can hear before you see.