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7 Signs You’re Not Ready for Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

1.     You find yourself dozing off in class

You become so overwhelmed with all the work you still have to do and the tests that you have to take, that napping sounds like your best bet. 

2.     You start considering a new carrier path

Around finals week, you start to contemplate all your decisions you have made academically.

3.     You take a look at the study guides and the words seem like gibberish

After taking a good look at the study guides, you start to wonder what you have been doing all semester. 

4.     You have no idea what is going on in class

There is always that one class that you feel like you can’t keep up with and when finals come around, it’s even more of a nightmare.

5.     Anything and everything starts to take priority over studying

You’re doing everything in your power to hold off any type of studying.

6.     Your idea of studying consists of checking your Facebook feed, listening to music, and Tweeting about how much you hate studying

Deep down, your intentions are to study, but you’re scared of all of the information you don’t know.

7.     You finally come to the realization that it’s too late and these finals will kick your butt 

All I have to say is, thank god for extra credit. 

Hi, I am a Junior at UW-Stout and I am in the PCEM major with a concentration in Journalism.
Her Campus at UW-Stout