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6 Fun Ways to Give Back

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Now that Halloween is over and Thanksgiving is approaching, it’s the time of year for giving back! Here are just a few fun ways to help out your community and brighten some lives this holiday season.

1. Walk dogs

Humane shelters let you walk dogs for free, and they really appreciate the help! You get to hang out with a cute puppy and the dogs get the exercise they need, especially in the winter. Or, take it a step further, (as long as you aren’t living in the dorms) and foster an animal this season.

2. Bake for a soup kitchen

While you’re whipping up cakes and cookies for Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas day, bake some extra to bring to a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Drop them off during off hours, or, better yet, bring them yourself during a meal time. This gives you the chance to talk to the people that you’ve baked for and learn a little more about their lives.

3. Collect toys

Lots of parents can’t afford to buy their children gifts. By buying and collecting toys to donate, you’re not only making that child’s Christmas, you’re taking a load off of the parent’s shoulders. Some places, like shelters or churches, have lists of items that kids in poverty in the area are asking for, and you can choose what you’d like to buy.

4. Do odd jobs in a senior living community

Think about your grandparents. How many little things do they need done at once? By going door to door in a senior living community and asking what you can do to help, you offer these members of your community a free and easy opportunity to get things accomplished. Simple things like shoveling the driveway or raking leaves can be a hassle for older people, and they may need something done indoors, like a lightbulb changed or boxes moved. Older people are also some of the nicest people, odds are they’ll thank you with a mug of hot cocoa or some cookies!

5. Make fleece tie blankets

Fleece tie blankets are easy, cheap, and fun to make! They can be donated to homeless shelters, animal shelters, children’s hospitals, women’s shelters, and even elementary schools! The work you put in will keep people warm for winters to come, and the blankets are very versatile and can be used for so many things. Plus, they can be given as gifts for kids in need to open on Christmas day.

6. Offer up your babysitting services- for free

Single parents and parents living in poverty often can’t pay a babysitter to watch their kids while they run errands, work an extra shift for Christmas money, or shop for presents. If you know of a family that could use some free childcare, offer to babysit for free. It will be a huge relief to the parents, and you’ll get to spend a few hours playing hide-and-seek with adorable kids!

In between festivities with family, take a minute to volunteer your time and skills to those that aren’t as fortunate. You’ll feel great about all of the good you’re doing, and your holiday will be all the more special.

Sarah is a freshman in the Professional Communications program at UW-Stout. She hopes to work as a journalist after graduation. When she's not writing, she can be found reading true crime novels, hiking, or watching HGTV.
Her Campus at UW-Stout