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6 Fashion Essentials You Need This Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Summer is here and the winter wardrobe is long gone. With all the space in your closet, it means time for a huge clothing haul. Lots of new style are out this season. If you are looking to stay on trend, here are some items you need to have in your closet this summer.

Sporty Tee

Chunky Sandals

Hair Charms

Printed Shorts

Funky Glasses

Flirty Dresses

Prints are in this summer. So make sure to be on the look out for tropical or western style patterns. Cool colors are in, so anything in the earth tones is on trend. The summer styles are all about easy and casual. Stick to the basics and avoid anything busy or complicated.

Olivia is a Professional Communications in Emerging Media student at the University of Wisconsin - Stout. Currently the Campus Correspondent for Stout's chapter, she hopes to find a career in journalism. Originally from Milwaukee, Olivia has put her city life on hold to follow her dreams. You can follow her at her Instagram or blog, Olivia Marie.
Her Campus at UW-Stout