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5 Ways to Glamorize Your Winter Outerwear

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

As much as I love winter I find it to be the most challenging fashion season. You can put all the time in the world into your outfit, hair and makeup, only to bury them underneath puffy coats, scarves and hats. Since winter fashion is primarily designed for functionality it can be difficult to even make those coats and accessories look chic. However, it is possible to add a few simple embellishments and flourishes to give them a little edge. Here are the top five ways to do so:

1. Brooch: Brooches are extremely underrated in fashion. Contrary to popular belief, these are not just for your moms and grandmas; you can look fashionable at any age with a brooch. Plus, they are versatile enough that you can add them to other pieces in your wardrobe: blazers, dresses, skirts, and shirts. For the winter you can add them to the lapels of your coats and beanies.

2. Ascots and Stoles: Similar to brooches, these do a fantastic job at sprucing up the collars and lapels of your winter coats. They are statement pieces so do not over-accessorize. If you choose to wear one of these then pair it with either gloves or a hat—not both. Don’t be scared by the bold colors they are offered in either; embrace it by wearing complementary makeup.

3. Blanket Coat: From Burberry to Missoni this look was all over the runways for Fall/Winter 2014. The most common blanket coat has tribal prints and rich, warm colors. However, there are so many other colors and patterns that work for this look. Some of these blanket coats do not have sleeves so you can layer them over a regular coat; just be mindful of the proportions of the outerwear so it is not too bulky.

4. Faux Fur Earmuffs: This is a wonderful alternative to hats, plus your hair remains intact and does not suffer from the dreaded hat hair syndrome. Steer clear of animal print earmuffs and stick to simple, neutral colors so they do not completely overpower your outfit.

5. Collarless Coats: For winter days when the wind chill is not -10 degrees you can wear one of these super glamorous coats. They are timeless and add instant sophistication to any outfit. Opt for solid colors, preferably in bright jewel tones or classic neutrals. You can add an ascot, stole or brooch to this look but from my experience they look best when left plain.

Abigail is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. She is majoring in Retail Merchandising and Management with a concentration in Fashion Marketing and has a double minor in Business Administration and Spanish. Aside from being a Style Writer for Her Campus, she is involved with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) and Street Level Ministries. In her spare time she enjoys collecting art, watching Hallmark movies with family and friends, and going on adventures. 
Her Campus at UW-Stout