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5 Ways to Celebrate Your Second Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

As the semester is nearing an end and finals are getting so close we can practically taste the gallons of coffee that we’re about to consume, we need something to celebrate. Despite the upcoming long hours of studying, lack of sleep, stress, and all other inevitabilities associated with finals week, try to remember the light at the end of the tunnel that awaits you-summer! What better reason for celebrating than the arrival of the season that us Midwesterners wait seemingly endless months of cold, cooped up weather for? Thanks to Her Campus and the Summer Survival Kit full of lavish goodies, celebrating just got 10 times better! Here’s 10 ways to celebrate your second semester and the arrival of summer.

Simply making it through finals week alone is reason to celebrate. You deserve to reward yourself with some fine dining. And let’s be honest, dining doesn’t get much finer than a burrito from Chipotle in the eyes of a college student. Thanks to Her Campus, treating yourself to chipotle just got that much easier with the BOGO and free entrée cards they sent us.

Celebrate the completion of second semester by relaxing poolside or in the shade somewhere, while enjoying a good read. Perhaps indulge in some financial wisdom this summer with Nicole Lapin’s book, RICH BITCH: A Simple 12-Step Plan for Getting Your Financial Life Together…Finally.


Celebrate by getting yourself into shape with Crunch Live! Her Campus is giving us an exclusive free 30-day trial of Crunch Live, which includes 70+ online workouts. Look good and feel even better!

Celebrate with some trendy and fun Blink Tattoos that have recently become all the rage! These temporary tattoos can work as unique accessories, surely to add to your summer look!

Lastly, Celebrate YOURSELF! Join the summer 2015 #CelebrateYourself challenge by filling out an activity card with how and why you are celebrating! Here’s what one of our chapter members is celebrating!

Once again, we want to give a shout out to Her Campus and all of our wonderful sponsors for yet another amazing survival kit full of goodies!

Jackie is currently a UW-Stout junior pursing a major in Professional Communications and Emerging Media with a concentration in Applied Journalism, working towards a career in Public Relations. Jackie is the Campus Correspondent, as well as a Feature and Campus Celebrity writer for the UW-Stout chapter. Originally from the east coast, Jackie has lived in the unfavorably cold state of Minnesota for most of her life. She enjoys blogging, music, spending time with her friends and family, cheering on her favorite MA sports teams, comedies, and simply getting up and being active. Jackie has many plans and aspirations, but has just begun her future as a writer.
Her Campus at UW-Stout