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5 Thoughts You Have While Studying for Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

1. How is it finals week already?

As you’re studying for finals, you are wondering how it is already the end of the semester and how you actually got through it. 

2. “C’s get degrees”

When in doubt, just remember, passing is still passing! 

3. This is torture

You find yourself doing random chores around the house or anything that’s somewhat distracting, so you don’t have to face studying for finals. 

4. I hope my future husband/wife is doing well on their finals!

Well, if you aren’t too sure about how your finals are going to go, wish your future partner luck on theirs! 

5. I’ll just wake up early and study before the final (doesn’t wake up until 5 minutes before the actual final) 

Almost everyone is guilty of giving in and going to bed early and claiming they will “study in the morning.” More times than not, he/she does not end up actually studying in the morning. 

Hi, I am a Junior at UW-Stout and I am in the PCEM major with a concentration in Journalism.
Her Campus at UW-Stout