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5 Budget-Friendly Things to Do This Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

During the summer we tend to do a lot of the same things. Yes, we all work, hang out with friends, and try to catch a nice day of weather before the cold invevitabley comes back again. Here’s a list of things you can do during the summer with your friends, that aren’t too expensive. 

1. Take a road trip with some friends to a famous food place.

Wherever you live, there is always going to be some sort of famous food joint around you.  From burgers, pizza, chicken, or even tacos, whatever it may be; grab a couple friends and hop on the road

2. Have a bonfire and play games

Something that defines summer nights are bonfires. Just gather some firewood with your friends and have a bonfire. From there, there are many things that you can do. Make smores, tell storys and play night games like ghost in the grave yard, hide and seek, and mafia.

3. Go to a zoo

One thing that is always a popular to do in the summer that is relativley cheap is to visit a zoo. Go with friends get some food, which is usually pretty good, and just enjoy all the wildlife around you.

4. Prepare a picnic and go to a park.

This one is perfect to do on a sunny day. Get a couple friends together and prepare a picnic.  Take your dogs with you to your favorite park and enjoy the hot weather. 

5. Go to a dog park

This one works almost any day. Take your canine friend out to a local dog park and watch your dog play around with the other pups. Even if you don’t have a dog, just go to make friends with other peoples dogs. I promise it’s a good time. 

Her Campus at UW-Stout