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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

As we make our way through our second semester here at UW-Stout, it’s easy to lose sight of the finish line.  Most of us have a few years to go, and the social life can seduce us with the power of instant gratification.  But there are some simple steps that can be taken to insure you not only enjoy your year, but set yourself up for your career as well.

1. Make connections with faculty.

Though your job may seem a long ways away, internships are right around the corner.  And while the Career Conference holds no guarantees, the professors that teach your major are without a doubt connected to people within your field.  The more you can interact with them and get on their good side, the better chances you have of sparking an interview when that same professor is asked to recommend someone for a position.  

2. Form study groups.

Not only will it help when you need to pick somebody’s brain about a topic in class you didn’t understand, but your peers are also future professionals.  You never know when you might need to call in a favor.

3. Try new things.

Now is the time to experiment and push yourself to leave your comfort zone.  Once you settle into a career and a home, it’s a lot harder to branch out.  Take the time while you have it to meet new people, try out different hobbies and find the things you love.  Say yes to every opportunity life throws at you.

4. Join student organizations.

Whether its student government, film club or a gaming society, student organizations look great on your resume.  Employers view all of your added activities as demonstrating excellent time management skills and showing initiative – two qualities that will set you apart from any other employee when the time comes.  On top of the future benefits, they make excellent social stress relievers.

Kate is a junior at University of Wisconsin Stout.  She is a Professional Communication and Emerging Media major, with a concentration in Applied Journalism and a minor in Speech Communication.   Very soon she will also be dual majoring in Digital Marketing Technology. Her interests include blogging, writing, swing dancing, watching movies and (yes) training llamas back home.  Check out her blog at http://collegiettebyday.com
Her Campus at UW-Stout