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4 Resolutions For 2019 That I Intend On Achieving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

I, along with the majority of the rest of the world, have never followed through on keeping New Year’s Resolutions. I sometimes do, but after a month or two, they’re kind of half-assed. So, I guess I either don’t follow through with them to the caliber that I want to or I just don’t do them at all.

However, 2019 is going to be different. I don’t have many resolutions, but the ones I do have require a conscious effort if I want to be pleased come December 31. I also know that if I write them down somewhere, I’ll be more likely to do it. 


Keep track of my money and budget 

This is something that I’ve never done before other than keeping check in my checkbook and looking at my bank statements. So, I went to Michael’s craft store and got a cute mini budget planner. So far, I’ve been really good at keeping up with my spending and setting boundaries. I know exactly how much I have and how much I want to save. It’s a handy little thing, so I highly recommend getting one.


Read at least 3 books this year

It’s a low goal, but it’s actually pretty high for me. I haven’t sat down and read an actual book for at least 3 years. Throughout my K-12 years, we were required to do these AR points for our grade and had to get a minimum, otherwise it would throw our grade down quite a bit. Because of this, it made reading feel like a chore and I’m still recovering from it. We had to read the book and pay extra attention to it so we could pass the AR test afterwards. I feel like I still have to do that and I don’t. I’m hoping I lose that weight and association with reading and become a bookworm again.


Do a lot more writing

Writing is one of my favorite things to do and I try to do it as much as I can, which actually hasn’t been too much. It gets to the point where I really miss it, but then I can’t do it because I have to do something else that’s more of a priority. My goal is to balance my time and everything, get my motivation back, and then write away.


Travel to new places

Traveling is something that I love doing, whether it be somewhere that I’ve been before or somewhere new. However, in 2019, I would love to go to new places that I’ve never been before and explore more of what this world has to offer. I already have one trip in motion, so we’re off to a good start!


These are my main resolutions that I really hope to fulfill this year. I hope that you can write a list of goals that you want to achieve this year and are able to achieve them. There’s no better accomplishment than fulfilling goals that you set.

Here’s to 2019!


I like cats, the Green Bay Packers, and One Direction. That's about it.
Her Campus at UW-Stout