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Why You’re Lucky to be in LAX for Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

It’s really easy to get bummed out at this time of year. Professors are relentless, it’s starting to get cold, and the beginning-of-school charm has worn off. But my challenge to you is to keep your head up . . 

. . . because you live in La Crosse.

I’ve never found a place as wonderful as La Crosse in the fall. The weather is getting chillier–but we haven’t hit true Wisconsin winter yet, and we still get the occasional seventy degree afternoon.

The leaves are finally changing colors, and there’s something about crunching on leaves as you walk around campus that is equal parts childish and totally satisfying.

Walking down by the river or marsh at this time of year is incredible, and couldn’t be more #fall.

And I can’t deny that a piece of me has missed my flannels, sweaters, and Uggs.

Apple-picking is basically a required fall activity, but we’re not complaining. Ecker’s, anyone?

Halloween is right around the corner, so it’s almost time to wear that costume I’ve had planned for months.

No caption needed.

So as you cram for that millionth exam this week, take a break, step out your door, and breathe in La Crosse fall. It won’t last long, but it can’t be beat.

Anne is a junior at UW-La Crosse studying Broadcast and Digital Media Communication and Graphic Design. When she isn't busy studying or writing for Her Campus, Anne loves music, photography, drawing, and painting. Also, naps.