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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

I’ve gone home twice since I’ve moved in at UW La Crosse and here are some helpful tips I’ve learned not to forget in my experience!

  1. Always keep headphones handy– I’ve accidently packed them deep in my duffel bag and had to last the four hour car ride home making awkward small talk with my RideShare driver.

  2. Always fill up your water bottle before leaving– If you have a long car ride home like I do, drinking water is a must.

  3. Pack your phone charger– I forgot my phone charger in the past and had to secretly use my mother’s at times she wasn’t using it. Safe to say my phone was under 20% most of my trip home.

  4. Put any liquids in a bag– I accidently put my little bottle of dish soap in with my clothes (to be a good guest- I wasn’t at home) and it spilled all over my clothes. I had to wear the same pants 3 days in a row…

  • If you do get any sort of soap on clothing and you’re scared to put it in the washer in fear the washer will fill with bubbles (like I was scared of)- put salt on your clothes and it will equalize the bubbles!

Keep these tips in mind next time you leave UW La Crosse for the weekend!

Besides being one of the shortest freshman at UW La Crosse, Marissa has passions for polka dotted umbrellas and pizza for breakfast.