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A Skin Care Tip to Try: Oil Cleansing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Having oily skin sucks. You get that classic forehead shine in pictures, your makeup slides off by the middle of the day, and the acne that might accompany that shine is no fun either.

    So, what I am I about to suggest, you may ask? It’s going to seem like the most counterintuitive suggestion on the planet . . .

    Oil cleansing.

If you’ve never heard of this before, let me explain the steps:

1. Choose a natural oil. There are tons of different types you can use, and different oils work better on different skin types. Here’s a handy guide to see what type of oil you might want to use to find out what oil would be best for you: http://purifiedskincare.com/category/oil-cleansing-method/

2. Apply the oil to your face. Rub it in thoroughly. You can even leave it on your face for a few minutes.

3. Soak a washcloth in hot water and use it to wipe the oil off of your face.

And that’s it!

I know this method seems a little (or maybe a lot) strange, but in my personal experience, it really works. The idea is based on the concept of “like dissolves like.” The oil you’re putting on your face should dissolve the oil that your skin is producing.

Here’s a few tips based on my experience with this method:

1. Wash your face with oil at night and then use a traditional soap in the morning. The oils usually leave my face a bit shiny (which is fine overnight, but not preferred for daytime).

2. Use oil to remove your makeup! In addition to cleaning your skin, oils work as a natural makeup remover. You’ll be surprised how much makeup comes off with just the oil.

3. Try a variety of oils. A bottle/jar of natural oil will probably cost less than your average face wash, so try out a few and see what works best for you. Plus, it’s fun to experiment!

As crazy as it sounds, oil cleansing has really worked for me. Give it a try!


Anne is a junior at UW-La Crosse studying Broadcast and Digital Media Communication and Graphic Design. When she isn't busy studying or writing for Her Campus, Anne loves music, photography, drawing, and painting. Also, naps.