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Meet Justin from South Africa!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Name: Justin Donkin

Year at UWL: Freshman

Hometown: Durban, South Africa

Major/Minor: Undecided

Nicknames? Donkey. The Brit.


What made you want to come to UWL?

When I visited the campus, it just felt like the right place to come to.


What do you like most about UWL?

That there are so many thing to get involved in and it’s easy to meet a lot of new people.


What’s your dream job?

I want to be a physiotherapist for a rugby team in Europe.


What’s your favorite foods?

Pizza and lasagna. Lasagna is number one. Lemon meringue pie.


What do you miss most from back home?

The food, the beach, my friends and family.

What are some of your hobbies?

YouTube. Sleeping.. I don’t know if that’s a hobby (laughs). And bluff hikes.


Describe yourself in 3 words?

Loud. Talkative. Friendly.