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Life is Better With Sisters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

If you grew up with sisters you know just how lucky you are. I grew up with two younger sisters and although there was a lot of screaming, scratching, and stealing each others clothes, makeup, jewelry, etc., they were and always will be my best friends. Life is better with sisters because…


You will always have a built in best friend(s). Whenever you are bored or just need someone to talk to, your sisters are always there for you. They are the first ones you call when you need someone to cry and eat an entire tub of ice cream with.


You have way more clothes than most people because you can always borrow your sisters. And she will usually let you borrow them but if not, you can always steal them and pray she doesn’t kill you in your sleep for taking her brand new shirt that she’s never worn before.


They always have your back. Whether that be when your parents are unfairly roasting you or when feuding with your friends at school.   


They know you better than anyone else. They can tell exactly when you are sad or upset. They have seen you at your best and at your absolute worse. They know about every embarrassing childhood memories because they went through it with you and they know all your secrets because it’s impossible to hide anything from them. Especially things you should’ve hid from them, like the fact Santa isn’t real and where babies come from.


All of your stupid, crazy, and fun childhood memories include your sisters. Like the time my sister and I tried to shimmy up the wall by sticking duct tape to our hands and feet (we were so dumb).


You have your own personal servant. When you can’t reach the remote or run out of toilet paper, they are the first ones you call. They also are excellent hair and makeup artists for when you’re too lazy to do your own or when you’re 20 years old and still are unable to curl the back of your hair.


Boyfriends and friends will come and go but your sisters are forever and that’s what makes having sisters so great! Especially my sisters, I love you guys forever and always.