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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Learning to say no requires an awful lot of self-confidence.

I have a tendency to give into what other people want (whether that’s what restaurant to eat at or what movie to see). In a lot of ways, I think it’s a good thing to be very flexible. Trying new things like eating at a Korean place or trying Crossfit once isn’t going to kill you. Okay, the Crossfit might, but you know what I mean.

These are two things I wouldn’t have tried on my own, but when I did, I found out that I liked them. I wouldn’t have known that unless I said yes to a friend who asked me to go with them. Sometimes saying yes to a new job or leadership position can lead to a better you as well. You might not think you can do it, but most of the time, you’ll come out stronger.

There’s always more to discover about yourself and ways to be less lonely in a world that makes it easier to isolate ourselves sometimes. And there’s always ways to build yourself in a world that makes us think you have to be something special in order to be recognized. 

With hard work, anybody can do better.

So it doesn’t have to be Crossfit, but joining a club or community like it can not only be used as an opportunity to improve yourself physically, but you’re getting out of your house, learning something new, and meeting new people. Saying yes to trying something doesn’t guarantee you’ll like it, but you’re putting yourself out there. You’re working to be a better person.

But this doesn’t mean you have to go along with anything. Sometimes I feel spineless because I’m willing to compromise and see a movie I didn’t necessarily want to see or to do an activity I knew I wouldn’t like (because I had tried it before).

This is the time to say no.

Saying no is important when you know it isn’t something that will make you better.

That’s how you know the difference. If someone is challenging you, say yes. If it’s not, you don’t have to. Say no.

And if you want need some creative ways to say no, here’s a couple of tips by YouTuber Sailor J.
