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Campus Celebrity: Kenzie Schroeder Running Wonder Woman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Hometown: Owatonna, MN

Major: Elementary Education

Graduation Date: May 2015

What is your favorite part about UW-La Crosse?

I think the size is perfect. It nice to walk around campus and see some people I might know as well as having the opportunity to meet someone new.  The size really allows me to have met some of the closet groups of friends.

How did you get into running?

I ran track throughout all of high school and joined Cross Country my junior year of high school. That is where the love of running started and I really haven’t quit since then. I have many taken a total of 4 weeks off from running in the last 5 years. I had then inspired my dad to quit smoking after 25 years and he then got into marathon running. Watching him amazed me and since then, we told ourselves that we would run the Boston Marathon together some day.  

What is your favorite race that you have participated in?

My favorite race was Twin Cities Marathon this past October. This was the race that considered me a Boston Qualifier. I had felt amazing and strong from mile one and knew as I looked down at my watch at mile 25 and seeing I was eight minutes faster than my quailing goal time, I knew I had it in the bag. I finished in 3:27 happier and more emotional than ever.

What was the process to train for a marathon?

It’s a long process but it definitely pays off.  My dad creates these 16 week programs for us to follow which I do pretty strictly because I am also so superstitious if I miss one day or cut short out of a hill workout. I run 5 days out of the week, take one rest day, and then cross train the other day, which includes anything from swimming, biking, rollerblading, etc. I run about 630 miles over the 16-18 weeks and they include speed work, hill work, and the most important part, the long runs. I run two 20 milers and then one 22 miler, just to get some extra time on my feet. It is really important to have a good base of miles under my belt before I start to increase the mile build by 10% each week in order to prevent injury.  Along with running, I would say nutrition and sleep are just as important in the process.  Making sure I am eating the rights things and hydrating enough before a long run can definitely make a difference.  A lot of it is mental as well. I set goals for myself and think about those goals over the 16-18 weeks. Yes, I need to be physically prepared to run 26.2 miles but I also need to be mentally prepared to get through it. The actual start of the race happens after mile 22 because from there, I have to tell myself that I can do this and always stay positive, no matter how much pain my body is in. By this point, I take it mile by mile and cannot wait to see that finish line.

What has been one of the biggest struggles you have endured while training for a marathon?

Time. Training for a marathon is like a job. I have ran two marathons now, both in October, so it was nice having the summer to train but it called for early 5am long runs before work just to beat the summer heat. Once I got back to school, my mileage was decreasing but it was tough to balance school, work, friends, and running close to 35-45 mile weeks.                                                                

Do you have any exciting races planned for the future?

Yes! I have had the Walt Disney World Half Marathon, in Orlando Florida on my bucket list for some time now and will get to cross it off the list in January.  I am really looking forward to it! I am also very excited to run the Boston Marathon, hopefully side by side with my dad.

When will you be participating in the Boston Marathon? When will you start training? 

I will be participating in the Boston Marathon April 18th, 2016.  I usually start intense training 16 weeks prior, which means a long winter of training in the cold, starting in mid-January of 2016.

What are your plans for after graduation?

After graduation, I plan on moving to Chicago, Illinois where I hope to find a teaching job as a kindergarten or first grade teacher!